Revitalizzze considers your privacy very important. I will therefore process and use

your data in a safe manner, entirely in accordance with the General Data Protection

Regulation. In this privacy statement I will explain to you which information I collect

from you and why I do this. This statement also lays down your rights with regard to

such processing. For questions about your privacy you may contact me via .

Article 1 Who am I?

Revitalizzze is a sole proprietorship, domiciled in (2817 AZ) Zoetermeer at the

Helderwit 12. I am registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce

under number 86280155. I am the controller of your personal data.

Article 2 Which data do I use?

Here you can find an overview of your data that I process, why I do this, what legal

basis I have for processing this data and how long I will keep such data.

I process your name, company name (if any), address, email, phone number and

other information necessary to provide you with the best possible services. This

includes your family composition, the gender and age of your child, as well as other

personal information you provide on the intake form. I use this information to make

you a satisfied customer for the duration of our agreement. I will keep this information

for 7 years following the termination of our agreement.

In addition, I record the problems and progress of our sessions in an (electronic) file

in order to make a process possible. In this file I will, with your explicit permission,

also process reports of our sessions.

I will keep your (company) name, invoice address, email, phone number, purchase

history and payment information in my customer file for 7 years following the

conclusion of our agreement. I do this because of the execution and possible

amendment to or continuation of the agreement, as well as for the Tax Authorities.

For invoicing and financial administration purposes, I process your name, company

name (if any) with corresponding Chamber of Commerce data, invoice address,

customer number, e-mail, phone number, bank details and outstanding balance.

Without such details I cannot process your payment. According to a legal obligation

of the Tax Authorities I need to keep this data for 7 years. After this period I will

delete or anonymize your data.

In the unlikely event that you have a complaint about my services, I will process your

name, e-mail and the content of and communication about this complaint in order to

come to the best possible solution for you. I will use this information to execute the

agreement in the best possible manner. I will keep data related to complaints for 1

year following settlement.

I have a commercial interest in using some of your personal data for marketing

purposes. I will process your name and e-mail for direct marketing purposes. I will

delete this data as soon as you unsubscribe from my newsletter or indicate your wish

not to be contacted by me anymore.

To make this website possible and to optimize it, I use analytics and retargeting

services. I have a commercial interest to use your surfing behaviour and related data

to analyze and improve my service where such is necessary. I will track your use of

my website with Google Analytics and a Meta Pixel, and in this respect I am bound to

the retention periods of these parties.

These services make use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that

are sent to your browser when you visit my website and are then stored on the hard

drive or in the memory of the device you use to visit my website. These cookies will

not damage your devices. You can read more about these cookies in my cookie


To enable posting reviews of my services, I process the content of your message

with, if so desired, your name and place of residence. I can place reviews about my

services on my website and social media channels out of commercial interest and I

will delete them when they are no longer representative for my business or upon your

request to do so.

In case you wish to contact me through the website, I will ask for your name, e-mail

and phone number. Optionally, you may also fill in your company name. By sending

the contact form, these data will become visible to me so I can contact you. The

information from a contact form sent, will be deleted as soon as the contact request

has been completed, unless an agreement arises from this.

When you register for one of my webinars, trainings or giveaways, I will ask for your

name and email address. In this way I can allow you to access the relevant content

and possibly provide you with further information on the topic discussed there. I

delete this data after completion of that for which you had subscribed. If it concerns a

paid webinar or training, I will also process your invoice information. I will keep this

information for 7 years in accordance with the rules of the Tax Authorities.

When you purchase an online course I will also process a password. I will save this

password encrypted in combination with your email address and/or username. I will

do this to prevent security fraud. In addition, I will process the data that you enter

yourself in this account, your billing information and any communication that you

place in the community. These communications are also visible to other participants

and the platform where I host the online content. I keep these account details until

you delete your account or the content is no longer available to you.

Article 3 How do I obtain such data?

I have obtained the above data from you as a customer, contact person or website

visitor because you have provided such data to me.

I do my utmost to ensure that information about minors is only collected with parental

consent. If you are convinced that I have collected personal data from a minor

without that permission, please contact me.

Article 4 What rights do you have with regard to these data?

The General Data Protection Regulation has granted you a number of rights in

relation to the personal data you have me process.

1. Inspection - You may make a request to me at any time to inspect your data.

2. Modification - If you want to have your data modified, corrected, supplemented,

protected or deleted, you may submit a request to that effect.

3. Objection – You may object to the processing of your data based on a balancing of


4. Data transfer - Should you wish to transfer your data to another provider, I will

provide your data in a structured and commonly acceptable form that can be

accessed by standard digital systems.

5. Withdrawal - If I have processed data on the basis of your explicit consent, you

have the right to withdraw such consent. This may have consequences for the

services I can offer you.

In order to exercise your rights, you may send a request, accompanied by a copy of

your identity document (with protected BSN and passport photo), to . I will review your request as quickly as possible, yet no later

than within 30 calendar days. Should I be unable to fulfil your request, I will inform

you about the grounds for such denial.

Article 5 Who will receive your data?

I will not provide your data to third parties unless such is necessary for business

operations or required pursuant to a legal obligation. Your data may be passed on to

processors and external advisors for the execution of the agreement. I will enter into

processor agreements with these third parties to protect your privacy in the best

possible manner. I will not sell on your data to third parties.

I use parties, such as Squarespace, with servers in the United States. I will ensure to

apply appropriate (security) measures.

Article 6 Final provisions

I encourage you to regularly review this privacy statement as I may make changes

to the policy. Should you have any questions about this statement or my use of your

information, please send an e-mail to . If you have a complaint

about the way I handle your data, please let me know this as well. You may also

contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Version 1.0 6 August 2022