“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.”

E. Joseph Cossman

Revitalizzze Sleep coaching

Do you often feel sluggish, do you have trouble concentrating or don't you wake up rested? Chances are it's your sleep.

Two out of three people are dissatisfied with their sleep. They experience complaints such as: difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep and waking up too early.

If you don't sleep well or too little, you often dread things. You are tired, get irritable more easily, you cannot concentrate as well and you tend to forget more. Poor sleep also affects health. For example, sleeping too little or too long in adults can increase the risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, depression and a stroke. In addition, poor sleep can also lead to high economic and social costs, for example absence and reduced (school) performance.

A good night's sleep brings so many positives: more energy, greater resistance to stress and stimuli, better concentration and memory. The risks in adults for diseases such as obesity, diabetes, depression and a stroke also decrease.

In short, with a quantitative and good quality sleep you ensure your physical, mental and emotional recovery. Do you experience sleeping problems? Then support from a sleep coach may be something for you!

Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early?