Sleep Coaching

No doubt you have already searched the internet for information about sleeping problems. There is a good chance that you will be flooded with often contradictory information. Which information is correct or incorrect and does or doesn’t work?

As a trained sleep coach I can help you tackle your issues with sleep. My sleep coaching is aimed at improving your sleep, so that you regain your energy. You gain insight into what sleep is, how it works and what you can do about it. You will also receive tools that can help you improve your sleep.

With a sleep consultation or a sleep scan you can take a step in the right direction in a short time, the extensive sleep coaching program helps you with thorough insight and solid tools to improve your sleep.

A sleep consultation and the sessions of a sleep coaching package can be conducted by telephone or online.

  • Sleep consult starting from €39

    Sometimes you have short questions or doubts about your sleep. Then it might be nice if you can talk to someone about that! For all your sleep questions, I offer a 20 minute Sleep Consult.

    Prior to such a consult, I request you to fill in a sleep diary for 3 days. I review these before our appointment so that we can use our time on the phone as effectively as possible.

    If our conversation lasts longer than 20 minutes, the extra time will be charged at €1.50 per minute. For example, a 30 minute consult costs €54.

  • Sleep Scan for €99

    Is a sleep coaching program still a bridge too far but would you like to receive three personalized tips? Then the Sleep Scan can offer a solution.

    You fill in a sleep diary every day for a week. Based on your sleep diary I will give you tips that are fitting for your specific situation.

  • Sleep coaching package for €799

    A free 45 minute intake during which we:

    • discuss your personal history and the circumstances surrounding sleep.

    • determine your goals and agreements.

    In 6 personal online sessions we will work on:

    • sleep education: here I provide information about sleep, sleep behavior and sleep hygiene.

    • coaching on topics that hinder you from realizing change.

    • you keep a sleep diary that we discuss weekly

    • homework assignments: relaxation exercises and (log) registration

    • evaluation

Intake by telephone

A sleep coaching program is a large expense and in such a program we enter into an intensive collaboration. I therefore advise you to first check whether there is a good click between us. In the intake I will inquire about the reason why you want to go for sleep coaching and what issues you face. We discuss whether you are ready to work on change and how I can support you with that.

Your investment

Sleep coaching is not reimbursed by the health insurance company. A sleep coaching program can therefore seem like quite an investment., which of course it is. At the same time, this program is also an investment in yourself. The insights gained into your sleep, the advice, exercises and tips that you receive from me during this process, will give you tools for the rest of your life to work on a good night's sleep. You will benefit for a lifetime from all the positive effects of a good night's sleep: more energy, greater resistance to stress and stimuli and a better concentration and memory.

For students I have a special discount of 15% on the sleep coaching package and the sleep scan.

All prices include 21% VAT.