How do you get through the summer nights sleeping?

Today it will be tropical warm πŸŒ΄πŸ˜…

What do you do to fall asleep?

The following tips can help you during this heat:

πŸ”… Temperature

One answer is not in cooling down, but in heating the right body parts. The core temperature of your brain and body needs to drop about 1Β°C to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is the reason why you fall asleep faster in a room that is too cold than a room that is too warm.

Our body gives off heat through its limbs, namely your hands and feet. When you take a warm bath or shower, the blood rises to the surface of your skin. As a result, your core temperature plummets, and you fall asleep faster and stay asleep more easily. This may be more beneficial for people who often have cold hands and feet (more common in women).

If you prefer a hot bath or shower, take one 1-2 hours before going to bed.

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Exercise

During a heat wave it is better to move exercise from the evening to an earlier time in the day. The morning is probably best with the lowest temperatures. An added benefit is that bright light in the morning will help you to become sleepy at night.

If you prefer to exercise in the evening, it is better to do a slightly less intense session so as not to raise your body temperature too much. A very competitive game will trigger stress hormones and mess up your sleep through a completely different system.

πŸ›  Tools

A breeze through a window or fan can move air, evaporating the sweat from your skin and allowing you to cool down further.

Special materials (like those in sportswear) can help. They not only absorb sweat but also expel it immediately.

Sources: @drmattwalker @drelsvanderhelm


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