Why a sleep coach?

Sleeping well is important for our mental and physical health. I remember going through a period of bad sleep during my first job. I worked long days at the time, had long commutes and an intensive job.

Because I slept poorly, it often felt in the morning as if I already had completed an entire working day. When I came home after a long day at work, I was no longer in the mood for anything. I wanted to go to bed early, but once in bed I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't get a grip on my thoughts and my mind felt overloaded. Fortunately, that period of insomnia did not last very long. By now I know what I did wrong then and how I could have dealt with it better. Because of that unpleasant experience I can empathize with what you are going through.

Through education, workshops and training I keep my knowledge about sleep and coaching up to date. As a sleep coach I apply this on my clients so that I can support them with the latest insights in the field of sleep.

Thanks to my experience and knowledge, I can coach people and help them tackle their sleeping problems. Seeing that they can then be energetic again in life, is enormously fulfilling for me.

Let me introduce myself


I am Cheryl Müller, married to Jordi and mom of Emily.

Originally I am from Suriname and when I was 17, after finishing high school, I moved to the Netherlands to study. After obtaining my master's degree in business economics, I worked for several companies, often in positions within Human Resources. That is what I find most exciting: working with people.

In 2020 I decided to end my career in corporate life and to start my own business. I founded my company Revitalizzze and started as a sleep coach. I didn't make that choice for sleep coaching just like that, I was inspired by the book 'Why we sleep' by Matthew Walker. It gives me satisfaction to draw attention to the knowledge that I have gained in this, and to share it with others.

The name of my company, Revitalizzze, was not chosen randomly. I see sleep as one of the most important pillars of our health. My sleep coaching can bring energy back into your life, so that you revive and therefore have more fun in life (again).